anna tantillo makeup artist

I have always been fascinated by the beauty and art of make-up as a form of expression. My journey of living several years in New York City where I shared experiences with industry professionals led me to magical coincidences and people I met inspired my passion for aesthetic research and my vision on doing make-up.

I graduated as a professional makeup artist at the International Make Up For Ever Academy in New York, directed by Dany Sanz, known for its artistic orientation, obtaining certifications in Beauty, Fashion, TV, Theater and Body painting makeup.

In New York I also had the opportunity to share significant experiences with industry professionals, such as Dani Fonseca, Jenai Chin, Juan Carlos Salazar, James Vincent, in a continuous search for beauty in its infinite forms of expression.

The constantly evolving New York scene has forged my professional approach and still represents an important point of reference for updates and collaborations to which I always dedicate myself with curiosity and enthusiasm. I work for the German company “Kryolan Professional Make up”, I am part of the management team of Kryolan Italy and of the international pro team of Kryolan Trainers.

My journey also led me to become the personal make-up artist of a music icon, the singer Amii Stewart.

I am currently based in Italy.

Sono sempre stata affascinata dalla Bellezza e dall’Arte del make up come sua forma espressiva. Il mio viaggio mi ha portato a vivere diversi anni a New York City dove le esperienze condivise con i professionisti del settore, le magiche coincidenze e le persone che ho incontrato hanno ispirato la mia passione per la ricerca estetica e la mia visione nel fare make up.
Mi sono diplomata come truccatrice professionista presso l’Accademia Internazionale Make Up For Ever di New York, diretta da Dany Sanz, nota per il suo orientamento artistico, ottenendo certificazioni in Beauty&Fashion makeup, TV, Stage e Body painting makeup.

A New York ho avuto anche modo di condividere esperienze significative con professionisti del settore, come Dani Fonseca, Jenai Chin, Juan Carlos Salazar, James Vincent, in una continua ricerca della bellezza nelle sue infinite forme di espressione.

Lo scenario newyorkese in continua evoluzione ha forgiato il mio approccio professionale e rappresenta ancora oggi un importante punto di riferimento per aggiornamenti e collaborazioni alle quali mi dedico sempre con curiosità ed entusiasmo. Lavoro per l’azienda tedesca “Kryolan Professional Make up”, faccio parte del management team di Kryolan Italia e del pro team internazionale di Kryolan Trainers.

Il mio viaggio mi ha portato anche a diventare la truccatrice personale di un’icona della musica, la cantante Amii Stewart.

Attualmente risiedo in Italia.